Four reasons to get house plants.
Over the past year you might have noticed house plants all over social media. Although I am a huge fan of nature, it did take me a while to bring plants inside my home. In this post I am going to share with you four benefits of having houseplants in your house.
1)Aesthetically pleasing
Well the first reason is pretty obvious, adding the right plant at the right place in your house can instantly elevate your space. Whether it's a small four inch pot on a bookshelve or a five feet tall bird of paradise in a corner in your living room, plants can truly bring more charm to your place. Of course this might not be for everyone but there's more reasons to still consider getting house plants.
2) Increase oxygen level
Plants are known to increase the oxygen levels in your house. Through the photosynthesis process they absorb carbon dioxide while releasing oxygen. Though controversial, Some studies like the famous NASA experiment goes as far as saying plants can purify the air in your home and even clear out toxins.
3) Nature indoor
Although house plants have been around for ages, more and more people have been getting into them since we have been living in this pandemic. Adding plants inside a house definitely bring nature indoor which most people enjoy. I love nature and I love being outdoor, thanks to my houseplants, I can still enjoy nature all year long instead of waiting for spring and summer.
4) Promote wellness
The reason I love houseplants so much is because I find taking care of them very soothing and therapeutic. Watering and cleaning my plants has became a huge part of my self care routine. Seeing something that I have nurtured and taken care of bloom is very fulfilling and It's a daily reminder of what proper care can do.
The best thing about house plants is they come in all sizes, I would suggest starting small to see if it's for you. Sansevieria (Snake plants) and photos are two low maintenance hard to kill plants that i would suggest starting with. Don't forget to subscribe and stay tuned if you would like to know in details how to properly care for house plants.